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The Museum of Protestantism (from the Reformation to the Secularity) is an associative museum.
The association, created in 1967, one year before the official opening of the museum then installed in the castle of Ferrières, aims to:
– to found, organize, develop, direct and manage the Museum
– research, receive, acquire, assemble, classify, preserve and exhibit all objects, documents, manuscripts, works, monographs, prints, photographs, audio and/or audiovisual documents relating to the history and action of local Protestantism.
The association is the custodian of the Museum’s collections, guaranteeing their conservation. In addition, the local section of the French Protestant History Society (SHPF), independent of any religious denomination, ensures that the Museum is not diverted from its orientation.
The association organizes exhibitions, conferences, visits to the Museum, but also all kinds of events related to the Museum.
Its resources come mainly from contributions, entrance fees and subsidies granted by public authorities
From the castle of Ferrières, the museum has migrated to the «house of the luthier» a neighbouring peasant building, full of charm but with architecture too complex to accommodate a cultural institution of today.
De la Réforme à la laïcité
235 hameau la Ramade
81260 Fontrieu
05 63 74 05 49
Mentions légales – Contacts – Plan du site
©Copyright 2021, MPRL
De la Réforme à la laïcité
La Ramade – Ferrières
81260 Fontrieu
05 63 74 05 49
Mentions légales – Contacts – Plan du site
©Copyright 2021, MPRL
De la Réforme à la laïcité
La Ramade – Ferrières
81260 Fontrieu
05 63 74 05 49
Mentions légales – Contacts – Plan du site
©Copyright 2021, MPRL